484-841-6154| Three Locations: Glen Mills, Kennett Square & Media

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Exercises to Help Prevent Osteoporosis

Bone mass and density decrease with age. But did you know that bones grow as a response to the physical stress put on them? You can help prevent osteoporosis (bone disease) with daily activity. Weight bearing exercises are best, but any aerobic, strength or balance activities will help to keep your bones strong and to not break. Add in a good diet and sunlight, and you’ll have happy, healthy bones!

Here are some examples of strength and balance exercises that you can do at home to get you started!

Sit-to-Stand: similar to a squat, practicing a sit-to-stand can help to strengthen the hip muscles and help protect the surrounding bones and joints including the spine. Progress to perform this movement without your hands.

Bird Dog: this exercise puts weight through the shoulder and hip joints and strengthens the core to help protect the spine. Draw your shoulder blades together. Raise your right arm and left leg, keeping your shoulders and hips parallel to the floor. Lengthen the back of your neck and tuck your chin into your chest to gaze down at the floor. Hold this position for a few seconds, then lower back down to the starting position and then repeat the movement with your left arm and right leg.

Elevated Plank: this exercise also puts weight through the shoulder and hip joints and strengthens the core to help protect the spine. Using a wall or a counter, get in a plank position with your arms stacked under your shoulders. Engage core and back muscles, being careful not to drop your hips or raise them higher. In the plank, the top of your head to your feet should form a strong and straight line.

Side Stepping: Balance exercises such as this one can help improve stability and coordination and reduce the risk of falls. Start with knees slightly bent and feet together. Step to the side with your left foot. Step with your right foot to meet your left foot. Step 3 times. Keep your steps short and comfortable. Repeat the sequence in the opposite direction. Continue for 2 to 3 minutes.

Need an extra hand building bone strength? We’re here for you. Request an appointment by calling 484-841-6154 (ext. 1) or by emailing intake@reachyours.com

Community Resources:

Silver Sneakers is a free exercise program available to those 65+ allowing participation in physical activity and social integration. Over 13,000 facilities participate nationwide! Go to silversneakers.com to check your eligibility!

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