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5 Exercises to Combat Osteoporosis 

What is osteoporosis? It is a condition that develops when the structure and strength of the bones change due to a decrease in bone mineral density and bone mass. In turn, this condition can increase the risk of broken bones. 

The risk of developing osteoporosis increases with age and can occur in both men and women. Some signs and symptoms of osteoporosis include a slouched posture, loss of height, and chronic back pain. However, often times, individuals do not experience symptoms of osteoporosis until a bone is broken. Fractures from this condition are most common in the hips, spine, shoulders, and arms, and can occur from normal, everyday stresses such as bending, lifting, and even coughing as the condition progresses. 

So, how does one help prevent the progression of osteoporosis and reduce the risk of associated fractures? The 5 exercises listed below can help! 


Weight bearing exercises, such as walking, climbing the stairs, and dancing, promote increased bone density, muscle strength, balance, coordination, and joint health.  


Squats can help to strengthen the hip muscles and help protect the surrounding bones and joints including the spine.

-Bird Dogs: 

Weight bearing is not only important through the legs, but through the arms too. This exercise puts weight through the shoulder and hip joints and strengthens the core to help protect the spine as well. 

-Single Leg Balance: 

Balance exercises such as this one can help improve stability and coordination and reduce the risk of falls that could cause a fracture. 

-Fire Hydrants: 

Not only is this exercise getting the weight bearing benefit, but it also helps improve the flexibility and range of motion of the hips, which can help reduce the risk of falls and broken bones.

It is important to focus on a combination of weight-bearing exercises, resistance training, balance training, and mobility exercises. Your physical therapist can help work with you to build bone or lessen the amount of bone loss through exercise to improve the body’s function and reduce the risk of fractures associated with osteoporosis.  Have more questions? Reach out!

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