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Holiday Wellness: 5 Tips to Keep the Season Bright

As we enter the week up to Christmas and New Year, we can get caught up with the hoopla of the season. One more present to buy, one more cookie to eat, one more holiday show, and don’t get me started about the traffic. So how do we stay centered this season without getting overwhelmed. How do we truly enjoy the season, which at its core is about love, joy, peace, generosity, and hope. Although this season is about giving, it is hard to give fully if you yourself are empty. The flight attendants remind us we must first get our own oxygen (take care of our own needs) before we tend to others.  The first step to meaningful balance or improvement is not a huge overhaul but small step(s). If mindfully done these steps can have larger/longer positive repercussions. Read below for 5 easy tips that can help you preserve your mental and physical health this holiday season. If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to your trusted physical therapist at Action Potential

5 Tips for Personal Wellness

  1. Fuel up on something other than cookies: Cookies and Christmas sweets are truly one of the best parts of the holiday. However keep those sweets what they are… a treat. Make sure you fuel up on a balanced meal with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and water. And keep the desert a treat, not the main meal.
  2. Take a nap: Preserve your energy with enough rest so that you can truly be present this season and enjoy your family and friends.
  3. Seek out Vitamin D: Lack of vitamin D from sunshine effects our mental health and can make us more lethargic and/or depressed. As the sun sets early, make it a point to take a walk outside and catch some sun, preferably with friends, family, co-workers or a pet.
  4. Be Nice, Not Naughty: Studies show that the practicing gratitude not only builds the relationships with those around us but it has an overflow into our personal lives. Those who kept gratitude journals had decreased illness, higher positivity, and more likely to exercise. Read here for more details.
  5. Keep fitness a priority: Exercise has multiple benefits for your physical health, mental health, and weight loss. Exercise can also be a huge stress reliever, if feeling overwhelmed try not to cut your exercise routine, but make it a priority. 

Cover photo courtesy of : https://www.dzoom.org.es/7-buenos-consejos-para-hacer-mejores-fotos-en-nochebuena-y-navidad/

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
